Google Making an AIDS Virus Sick Might Help
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I remember writing something, it's a little idea I just thought of a long time ago and I decided to post it here now. I remember writing something about curing or dealing with AIDS. I remember writing that we need to make the AIDS virus (or HIV virus, cough virus, fever virus, fungi, germs, and others) sick and then put them inside a body with that disease so that the other AIDS viruses would be contaminated or infected and die. Probably we could take a virus (fungi, bacteria, germs, and all others) from a body (or anywhere) and then make it sick outside and like I said put it back in. The problem is how do we make the AIDS virus or any virus sick........ Sometimes I have a feeling that this can be done easily, because I believe all microorganisms or organisms have natural enemies in an environment. Some of them would fed on them and others could make them sick. One thing for sure though, I would not be able to tell if the AIDS virus is already sick or not.. ..... by complexion or what or color of the eyes perhaps....? Or maybe we could just get any random virus (fungi, bacteria, germs, and all others) already sick or we still need to make it sick and see if it would contaminate and eventually kill the AIDS virus...... Or maybe it could just weaken them, enough to make known antibacterials (anti fungal and all others) to affect and kill them.....I don't know really..... I hope this Google Article is helpful to you..... the method above could be called The Google Method.