Google Computer Operation Program or Google 1
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   When the program (games and others) icon (any shape and size) (or program, games, and others) is clicked in the middle (or any point in particular) located at any point on the screen or page, a Google Drop Down Box for Computer Users will appear (or no Drop down Box), the user will then be made to sign in or log in (type only a password or type username and password), then he can use the program as his own portion in the program, only he can see it including his browsing records, output, and others (or it could also be seen by the administrator). Only one page or desktop (or any number as such) used by everyone or user . When the program icon (working program or Google Chrome and others) is clicked on the side or edges (or any portion or point in particular) the program will automatically open as a common program for everyone to use. Or when the program (games and others) icon (any shape and size) (or program, games, and others) is clicked in the middle (or any point in particular) located at any point on the screen or page, a Google Drop Down Box for Computer Users will appear (or no Drop down Box), the user will then be made to sign in or log in on one part and then be made to click at any point so the program will automatically open as a common program for everyone to use. There will be as many drop down boxes for users per Google Program Icon (any number on a screen or page) and as many lists of users on them (the users will click on their names or user names). They can just log off or switch user to get out of their own portion in a program icon and hide their works from other users of the computer. But the users can still click (any number of times) on another program icon on a page or desktop to work with another one as above while he is on one (any number) Google Program Icon. The above can also be used and applied when working (or saving) in a program, like when working in a Google Writing (Calculating) Program or Google Drawing Program, and all others, he can log in (before starting to work, during or when saving) so only he can see and access his work . The user can also just open the Google Program Icon in the usual manner and after (or while) working he can log in to make his work only available to him and log out afterwards. This way we can avoid repeating downloading (or installing) the same programs and making unnecessary copies which overloads our hard drives and makes our computers run slow. The above features can be available readily or through the administrator on his Dashboard (or there will be no more administrator).  When the computer user had logged in (logged out) on one program icon he is already logged in (logged out) on all program icon on the page or desktop or he would be made to log in and log out individually on each program icon or as deemed by Google. The Google Program Icon can also have as many possible clicking points for any other functions (any number of versions) to be determined by Google. The Google Program Icon can also double as any version of the Google Online Page Navigator. The Administrator, aside from the usual functions, has the authority to delete, move, and install programs or Google Program Icons, and all others. The Administrator could also delegate program installation to a particular user but when it is already in place it will be blocked or refused (or still allowed). The Administrator could also delegate moving of Google Program Icons or Programs or changing background or back draft, and others but when the Administrator or the next user logs in they will be automatically restored to their setting, arrangement, number of icons on display and hidden, background, and all others (it could also be restored to the Guest Setting when all the above logs out). The Google Program Icons or Programs (or a content of a Google Rectangle for Icons) are also Google Rectangles. The Google Rectangles or Google Program Icons could have as many versions as Google determines.  There could be as many icon on one Google Rectangle for Icons. The above page, screen or desktop can also be complete, complete with all current and about to be invented icons or Google Program Icons (hidden or shown). In another presentation, all the users could just log in (log out) from any point on a page, screen or desktop (without clicking on a Google Program Icon) (or would or would not click on a Google Button), and the Google Program Icons (when clicked as above) would function as a common icon and as an icon personal (or exclusive) to the user or users as all above . And still in another presentation, all the above logging in or signing and clicking forms are already opened or already on display attached to any number of icons or not at any point on a screen (or all of the above are done through a Google Button, Text, or Text Links and all others or all of the above could also be done by utilizing all the above's front and back part through reversion or rotation). The Google Rectangle for Icons would have a label on the bottom or at any point for every icon shown or displayed (or in Google Drop Down Box for Icon Labels, any number). The above page, screen, or desktop (or more or bigger on current display towards any direction) is also a Google Rectangle (any number of contents) with any number of Google Drop Down Boxes for any particular purpose or reservation. All the features, properties and characteristics of the Google+ Online Photo Album, Google Transparent Rectangle, Google Online Newspaper and Magazine, Google New, and Google Worldwide Web Page is also applicable on the Google 1. All the above could also be shown on television, TV, Internet TV and all others. I hope this Google article is helpful to you..........